At the Sooke Fall Fair, every year hundreds of people exhibit things they have grown or made including vegetables, fruit, animals, flowers, baked goods, needlecraft, photography, stories, artwork, lego and more!
Trophies and awards are given to the top entrants.
An annual catalogue is printed with all the instructions on what you can enter, when to enter, the costs and when to bring your entries, etc. You can also download just the entry form and the programme of events.
Printed copies of the catalogue will be available at various businesses in Sooke.
Some of the many options for exhibitors to enter include the following:
There are farm animals to see outside, usually including chickens, ducks, rabbits, cows, and goats.

There is needlecraft, including quilts, knitting, cross-stitch, sewing and sometimes demonstrations.
There is a Lego creation section, with all entries being unique creations. (Not from a kit).
There is a Scarecrow Contest. Decorate your scarecrow and bring your entry to the Sooke Community Hall.
There is a Great Sookeini Race. Any non-powered car with a zucchini attached may enter.
There is a Pet Parade, with prizes for best dressed pet, best performing pet and more.